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The Classroom as a Metaphorical Canoe....

The canoe metaphor emphasizes the idea of "a journey", or a process of learning, over "the destination" or product. 

                                                    ---- Teresia K. Teaiwa 


I am trained in in-person and online teaching. My positionality as an Okinawan woman, an international woman of color, and a settler in the US largely shapes my teaching. I incorporate social issues (e.g., colonization, racism, xenophobia, patriarchy), which have large impacts on individuals in society, into my classes so that students can relate to the topics while sharpening their critical thinking skills. I encourage students to practice mutual respect, self-care, and self-reflection, since students are part of professional/academic community and have a responsibility in their education as well as to their community. In addition, I use my multilingual skills to support students.  

ANTH 210: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Online anthropology course. Students learn what cultural anthropology is, such as  the definition of culture, anthropological theories, and ethnographic works. 

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ANTH 487: Anthropology of Tourism  *GTA working with Mary Nolan

Online anthropology course. Students investigate the impact of tourism on communities through the lenses of tourist gaze, push/pull effect, etc. Studen read ethnography related to tourism and produce research papers. 


ANTH 371: Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology  *GTA working with Mary Nolan

Online anthropology course. Students acquire skills for ethnographic data collection, such as participant observation and interviews, while contemplating on research ethnics. Students conduct their own projects using those skills. 


ANTH 473: Gender, Ethnicity, and Culture  *GTA working with Mary Nolan

Online anthropology course. Students learn gender the distinction between biological sex and socially constructed gender. Through the texts and assigned materials, student explore sociocultural practices around gender across the world.


WLC 335, 336, & 337: Japanese Culture I, II, & III

Online class (*mandatory for Japanese minor students). Students learn about Japanese culture along with history. Moving on to the recent history, students deeply investigate the popular myth of "Japan as a homogeneous nation," minorities and Indigenous groups in Japan, Japanese business culture, regional differences, etc. In addition, students have an opportunity to practice Japanese calligraphy and business card exchange etiquette through assignments.  


ANTH 319: Peoples of the World: Japan and Korea

Online anthropology class. Students learn about sociopolitical situations and cultural practices of Japan and South Korea. They learn how cultures shape individuals' behaviors and social norms along with social issues, such as access to education, discrimination, immigration and North/South Korea.


ANTH 210: Comparative Cultures 

In-person introductory anthropology class. Students learn how to learn and interact with different cultures, using anthropological skills, such as holism and cultural relativism.

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